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June 15-16, 2024
Warsaw, Poland

Olivier Boina

VP Engine Fleet Engineering


Olivier Boina joined Air France in 2000 after an engineering diploma reinforced by a Master's degree from the French Arts & Métiers school. With a diverse background spanning 13 years in engine MRO and 12 years in component MRO, Olivier brings a wealth of expertise and insight to his role.
Currently Vice President of Engine Fleet Engineering, Olivier supervises engine engineering operations for Air France, KLM and Air France Industries' airline customers on a various scope of engines (GE90, CFM56, GTF, Leap, XWB-84). His scope covers engine airworthiness, maintenance policy, health monitoring and phase in/out engine operations.

Throughout his career, Olivier has played a key role in promoting innovation and excellence in MRO practices. His experience and understanding of engine and component maintenance has allowed him to take on different responsibilities, including Director of MRO competitiveness for components, Head of avionics repair shop, Head of engine repair shop for HPC modules.


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